It is never easy to deal with death.
Every time someone dies, it reminds me all over again how fragile and insignificant our lives are. So we go and build up a reputation, save some money in the bank, live a comfortable life, and do good deeds. Then what?
It is unnerving that death is always lurking at the back alley, waiting to catch you. And hey, unless you haven't been around for that long, you'd know that death is the ultimate winner - no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, can run away from it. You may escape it several times, but it WILL catch you one day.
"Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless."
Once someone asked me whether I'd:
1. Prefer a slow death from a disease - one might suffer but at least there was time to say goodbye and to make right
2. Prefer to died instantly - suffer less but a surprise and you don't have to wake up every day thinking, "am I going to die today?"
Either way, death sucks. It just does.
"The wages of sin is death."
Now I'm really starting to see how much the Lord hates sin. Do I?
Andy told me death is more difficult for the living than the dead. I guess so. If you have gone to heaven for a party, why would you care for this life anymore? I don't think anyone would want to return to earth. Those who are left behind - they suffer. Hard to imagine, but have to.
"Where, O death, is thy victory? Where, O death, is thy sting?"
God has taken the sting away. Our sins are taken from the east to the west and remembered no more. We have to take the penalty of sin, but we are given eternal life - with Christ in His Kingdom.
For now, let's move on and rejoice that God has been good and BELIEVE that God knows exactly what He's doing.
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